Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Catching the sun

The Mad Hatter:
"Have I gone mad?"

"I'm afraid so. You're entirely
bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret.
All the best people are."

Alice in Wonderland

What I've should've done this morning was sleep. I really should, because yesterday at work my hands were trembling and that's not a good sign at all. But, what I did instead was set the alarm for 5 o'clock and go out to catch the sunrise.
I'm glad I did though. Such an amazing morning, despite that the sun didn't rise in that way I thought it would: with great splendid and colouring the entire landscape in that golden light. And despite the lack of mist I had hoped for, and with rain coming down. But, I heard birds singing, I saw and heard three birds of pray, I felt a warm wind blowing (just before the rain came) and it was peaceful. On my way back I saw this view and I also saw a faint rainbow. A great morning! And afterwards a warm cup of tea. :)

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