
By SomethingAwful


I wanted a photo of the group but was so enamoured by their company that I completely forgot about my blipping duties until it was only Tim, Francesca and I left, and I happened to spot my little blue plastic camera lying neglected on the bedside table. Ah, well. This is good enough.

I got back from MK today to yet another day of surrounding myself with people who make me happy. Off the train and straight to it - first I collected my contact lenses, dropped my bags at home, and had my driving lesson with my all-too-patient instructor. Tried reversing into a bay parking spot... in fact, I tried reversing for the first time. Pretty nerve-wracking two hours, so by the time I'd got home and made myself a protein shake (didn't help that it was the first thing I'd eaten all day), and walked down to the station to meet Jack, I was actually quivering!

Greeted a thinner, more silly-hatted and well-travelled version of the man I used to know, and went to mine to drop his stuff off before dragging him to Waitrose to buy some Ingredients. Then Jack patiently hung around in the kitchen and obligingly poured me a glass of the lovely red wine he'd bought while I, in my usual flaky manner, set about the longest way possible of following Yotam Ottolenghi's aubergine stuffed with minced lamb Quorn recipe. And made questionably-proportioned crumble mix.

Grace, Francesca and Tim got there after a brief chill with our wine in the garden... so glad it worked out! An unexpected grouping of people, but not a dull or awkward moment. :) And the meal wasn't a total flop... ;)

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