The Last Sunrise

It was an early start today. I awoke to see the sun slipping over the headland so I thought it was fitting for my last photo in Wales. We packed, tidied up, filled the car and said our last goodbyes. Goodbye to the great house. Goodbye to the view. Goodbye to Cemaes Bay and goodbye to each other. The roads were fairly clear and I was home in exactly two hours. I felt quite low as I walked into my house, I missed Rachel and the boys and I realised I was back to all the rubbish that is still dragging on.

I was pleased to get a text from Ellen to say she had made scones, I met up with her and Pat and we had a good catch up and I showed them some of my pics. I felt better after seeing them. I do wish I was still on Anglesey, it is a shame when good things come to an end.

Stellarossa has some more Cemaes pics here

Cemaes Bay...a few more pics

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