As seen by me...

By GrantR

With thanks to the wee fannies at Cammo...

Went out for a wee walk with the dog tonight on the Cammo Estate in Edinburgh, great place and I had the idea in my head to get a sunset behind the tower there. Sadly the place was overran with the dregs of Edinburgh's teenage society tonight so that idea went out the window.

So, only 5 minutes away in a well driven Impreza was the famous Forth Bridges. Time was against me, the sun was coming down and I had to move, and move I did. Using every bit of the 305bhp at my disposal I got there with no time to spare. Flicked the 18-70 on and got the shot I wanted. You can just and no more get both bridges in if you get in the right spot.

This was again, imported into LR2 and the RAW exported as 3 16 bit TIFF files, -2, 0 and +2 ev for tonemapping in Photomatix 3. I like the use the 16 bit TIFF's as you know your losing nothing in the processing. Tonemapped and then final tweaks in Photoshop CS4. A very similar shot to one a few weeks back in daytime I done but this time with added red sky!

Thanks must go to wee half pissed neds at Cammo without who I'd never had got this shot tonight!

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