Watching the Grass Grow

By prmlook

Sweet 16...

This is our chocolate...Nugget
She is 16 ...or maybe even older. Her story with our family began when one of my sons and his friends managed to wrangle her home...that was in 1993.

She was a testament to survival even then, she had been badly mistreated...was afraid of everything and everyone...smelled horribly, from living on garbage and was generally in a bad way.

Needless to say, we kept her...or rather she kept us...and after 16 years she can now waggle her tail, and can be enticed to give small kisses.

She has outlived her contemporaries and keeps getting us up every morning...reminding us that breakfast is needed post haste...and with all her misadventures over the years, she has also provided us with countless Nugget stories and memories.

In short...we love her.

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