
By Houseonahill6

And will the swallows come again ?

These little beauties were sitting on the beams of the carport, I'm thrilled but Mike is nt as they leave their marks on the car below !

I managed to 'hide' under the carport and watched them fly in and land on the beam until they were all snuggled together. When the parent swallow came in they opened their mouths as wide as they could and made such a noise demanding food. The picture is nt the clearest as the lighting was low but I just liked it.

We went to the classic car rally with Mikes Mum and the sun shone as we wandered around the old bangers. Laughing and joking about the cars and how they had changed. One Morris minor had come all the way from New Zealand. A good place to buy a car apparently as they do nt put salt on the roads so the cars are less likely to rust. Each car had a free sponge under the windscreen wiper!

We are now at Seashell Cottage in Cromarty. Just had a lovely dinner at The Royal Hotel and I am now full. The tide is on the way in creating big waves and it's a tad windy but it's blowing the cobwebs away.

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