A Drink...

...down memory lane. Still tastes the same as when I was a kid.

Interesting how you always look back to things as being better, tasting different, being bigger and generally just not being how they are now.

I've been thinking about things like that a lot lately, and how sometimes you just have to move on, accept things how they are and make the most of today. It important to try to make those around you happy, but it's equally important if not more so to be happy yourself. Rather like the airplane safety demonstration - "put on your own mask before helping others to do theirs" - yet how many of us would do others first?

I've realised a few things recently, mostly that I am but a work in progress. That I can't solve every problem. That I need to cut myself some slack.

So, here's my first effort...Ribena...it's great to feel like a little kid again - no worries, no responsibilities, no grown-up business...moment shattered - the dishwasher needs loading!

That is all.

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