
By cakescakescakes

Mr Cakes new car!

Trip to Inverness to pay for the new car; a nice man from the garage drove it here this afternoon on trade plates as we're not allowed to drive it till tomorrow and took away the 'old' one. We had to rough it in my car, lol!
Carried on to Aviemore and had a lovely lunch at the ever brilliant Mountain Cafe and it didn't disappoint. This allowed Mr Cakes to visit a site that he has to quote for a survey on; a lot of our family trips seem to turn out like that!
Caley came with us for the day out and although he got a few wee walks he still needed a proper walk once we got home. I showed remarkable restraint and didn't photograph Mr Cakes' tumble into the river at the stepping stones - though as I then got the blame for making them wet and slippy with my wellies I won't be so nice next time!

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