Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

I'm doing baby led weaning with Conor, seeing as I have a full year's maternity leave to get him weaned. He sits up at the table with us for at least one meal per day and has a little bit of whatever we're having. He loves having a good chat at mealtimes. Maybe he was giving us a song today?

And in some momentous news, he has cut his first tooth! I thought it would be a top tooth that would come through first, but it's one of his bottom ones. He's been a little out if sorts (by his standards) these past few days, but here's hoping we don't have major teething nightmares.

Orla went to a birthday party this afternoon and we left her there on her own for the first time. She enjoyed herself, there was a bouncy castle, trampoline and face painting. Ed picked her up and took her swimming. Then they had a Burger King and Orla is now at Gran and Papa's for a sleepover. A very busy day, as she herself observed this morning!

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