
I headed north this afternoon for the annual FunDee skate comp in Dundee. This is a brilliant grass roots event that is all organised by the local skateboarders for skateboarders. It was merely a gazeebo with a big sound system and PA and a mass gathering of skateboarders and skateboarding.

I've been in and out of associated circles with this man, Ferg, over countless years. Had a small world moment when I found that a girl I used to know through my Dad's ex-work's annual christmas weekend party away, turned out to be his cousin.

He was among a number of people I ran into today that I've not seen in ages because I don't get up this way that often and he's still got the smoothest switch** tricks going.

**Switch or Switch Stance is when skateboarders use the opposite feet to which they are normally accustomed to. You always have a natural stance that you prefer, left foot forward(regular stance) or right foot forward(goofy stnace). Essentially, skating switch is like learning to write left handed if you are naturally right handed.

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