mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Craigmillar Castle

Had an interesting start to our day with Logan decorating the inside of the car with vomit (TMI?!) the joy of young children. I'm starting to think maybe he gets travel sick as this isn't the first time and he isn't ill. Weird.

Boys had a great time at Criagmillar Castle (we have Historic Scotland membership) and the weather was much better than we had expected. The boys were testing my nerves with lots of running and tripping. I'm so worried about Aidan hurting his head at the moment.

At home this afternoon Aidan found a golf ball...bounced it off the slabs and it hit him straight in the eye. Why is Aidan trying to give me heart failure?! I iced his eye and it seems ok other than a little swelling and a graze. Fingers crossed it doesn't give him black eye. His eyes are already going slightly black & blue around his nose from Wednesday he really doesn't need any more facial injuries right now!

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