...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Today was a full and fun day for mister Miles. After Charlotte and family left this morning he and I went for a run downtown followed by breakfast at starbucks. After we got home, Dad joined us for a walk to the park, where we went swinging 'super high' and then went for a walk through the 'forest'
When Miles woke up from his nap we went to Mimi and Grandpa C's house for Charlotte's birthday party. Miles got to play with Jordyn, Harper and Ethan and see lots of Aunts/Uncles and Great-Grandmas/Grandpas.
Miles loves Mimi's big backyard and today he was enjoying the t-ball stand. He has quite the swing on him, but during one hit, he lost his balance and fell down. When he stood up he looked very concerned and put up his hand yelling, "Uh-oh, what happened?!"
When I got closer I realized that Miles hand fell into dog doo-doo. (Thanks a lot, Rusty). As we were cleaning his hand off he told us, "I went poo-poo on my hand" and started laughing. Mama was a little less amused but recovered enough to take this family photo.
Here is us with Miles, Charlotte, Uncle Timmy & Auntie Beth and Mimi and Grandpa C.

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