Hats off
Earlier this year I abandoned my family for two months to visit my brother and his family on the other side of the world and to see some places I was keen to see. My abandonees encouraged and supported me. In July I abandoned them again for almost two months – mentally rather than physically this time – to learn how to teach English and then have a go at it. I was feeling guilty about how I’d come home and instantly vanish to do some preparation, how I’d look startled if anyone asked me a question, how I’d slink into the kitchen, eat their shopping and slink out again… On my last teaching day, Friday two weeks ago, I got an email headed ‘Surprise’. It was. My partner, B, instead of sending a divorce petition, had bought tickets for us to see Leonard Cohen in Manchester (for tonight, hence passing through Stoke-on-Trent yesterday) with the bonus of meeting up with some good friends I haven’t seen for too long. Such a kind, generous present. If I’m a fan of anyone at all in this world it’s Leonard Cohen.*
It was fantastic evening and he was on excellent form. He seems to keep finding new ways to do the old favourites (not least by working with a bunch of superb musicians: violinist Alexandru Bublitchi - wow!) so we don’t all spend the evening stuck in 1971 with inappropriate exes, he somehow manages to make that even-deeper voice remain musical and he still runs onto and skips off the stage. His encores now last 40 minutes which is a bit mad but quite endearing and I just love the hats, which are worn by all the support crew as well as the musicians so once the lights throw everything into silhouette the stage is covered in 1930s gangsters creeping around. Though minus the cigarettes which Leonard says he'll start smoking again on his 80th birthday (astonishingly, in 13 months’ time).
*Well, and Seamus Heaney. I was very sad to discover yesterday that I’m never going to hear him read again.
In other news I’m rather proud of our son today. He’s a beatboxer and is in Ukraine this weekend for his first overseas gig.
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