
By samsticks

Fathers' Day

Well, as you saw, yesterday we bought a house!

We went along without much hope of it coming anywhere near our price range - although it's a 'doer upper' (we wouldn't have had it any other way...), it's sitting on nearly 500 square metres of land in an up and coming suburb. It currently has a skateboard half pipe in the garden (not included in the sale!!).

Turns out, we were the only people interested in it enough to bid at auction and we got it for a fair way under our maximum price (and below the reserve). Not that I've done it before, but I think that that's how you do it. :)

It's not all straightforward, but we're extremely excited and we're already working out which walls we're going to pull down and how we're going to make it ours.

Anyway, onto today - My first Fathers' day!

Miles, ever being the advanced child that he is (or using his Goblin powers) had trawled through the photos of him and me together on our computer, got them printed out on a poster and had it framed! It's amazing!

He got a bit of help writing the card though (I mean, he's only 7 months old)!

Had a lovely day down on the beach - 25 degrees and sunny! Not bad for the first day of spring! Here's a shot of The Little Goblin - he looks a bit ghetto with his cap on sideways like that, but let me assure you it wasn't like that on purpose and it was mainly to keep him Sunsafe!

It does have The Rolling Stones' tongue on it. :)

He's an awesome little guy, and I love having him around... even the sleep's improving, so we're going to have to find another way to fault him soon! :) I'm a lucky Dad.

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