Beckys Birthday

So today is Becky's 10th birthday. She is my ex husbands youngest from his second and hopefully final marriage.

I got up went to visit mum, did Barnham trading for some shopping, back home to cook Cookies and shortbread.

Then got a text to say fancy a pint?
Well who am I to refuse.

So the shortbread will wait till tomorrow

Bisc and the family went to Brighton and took a slight detour to visit his number 1 son Lewis on the way home... only Lewis had mates round for another BBQ and so Nick, Bev, Liam, Becky and I all went to the pub instead.

So Becky and Liam had a couple of cookies. The Blackberry one came in close second to the fudge ones... where are the fudge ones? Eaten before I could photograph them.

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