Too many, too little time

Over the last few years I seem to have developed lots of different interests and at the moment I have a lot of books on the go at the same time. I've never done this before and have never understood why/how people do it, but I find myself dipping into one book one evening and then another the next and I'm finding it slightly frustrating!
You know when you feel like you're mediocre at lots of things but not really good at one thing, but instead of focusing on one thing at a time and mastering it you try and do everything at the same time? Well that's me.

My current stack of books include (although not all included in the above pic as then you wouldn't have been able to see the light as well!):

* An autobiography of an Olympic cyclist. I know nothing about cycling but saw it on my friend's bookcase and was intrigued so he said I could borrow it.
* A book about womens rights in the Middle East.
* The latest Dan Brown book which was a birthday gift, and is great as it is an easy read where I really can switch off.
* A book about one man's obsession with running which I'm not enjoying at all as I find him utterly pompous but feel I should keep reading it.
* Tender is the Night by Scott Fitzgerald as I felt I should read a bit of a classic, but it is a bit slow for me, but again I feel I should read it.
* A book about The battle of Waterloo which was written in 1968 and was given to me by a dear family friend of my parents as he'd read it and found it fascinating.
* A photography book which is all in french so I'm struggling with it and end up just looking at the pictures.

Sometimes I wish I had more time to read but I guess I have the same time as anyone else but I can only manage 2 - 3 pages before I start feeling sleepy and have to re-read the page roughly 3 times so that it sinks in! I promise I will not start another book until I have finished reading the above. There, I've written it down now so will have to stick to it!

We felt quite delicate all day today as we went over to a neighbour's house for an evening meal last night and a catch up as we haven't seen them all summer. We took the kids over in their pyjamas, let them have a play with our friends children, and then put them to bed. When we left (at 2am!) we lifted the kids from the bed and carried them home and put them in their beds without so much as a peep! It's the first time we've ever done this but it worked which is good to know. In the afternoon we had a huge play date with Dexter's best mate G who has also been away and we all visited a great playground and went for lunch. It's unbelievable how well the 2 boys get on and Olivia plays really well with his older sister. We were utterly exhausted by this evening!

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