Happy to help

I picked up a copy of Searchlight, the international anti-fascist monthly magazine at the Burston Strike School rally this afternoon.

I'd never actually seen a copy before but I was particularly interested to see it as recently I've been asked if they could use some of my portraits of EDL (English Defence League) members in an article they are planning in the future to 'name and shame' some of the arseholes who I have captured at demonstrations spouting their foul opinions. I can't think of a better way for my photos to be used, to be honest.

Next Saturday I'm off down to London, to Tower Hamlets, where there is to be a 'gathering' of that bunch of riff raff, with a group of my activist friends from Norwich. Looking forward to it immensely.

It's been a busy weekend, what with the stop the war rally yesterday and the Burston Strike School rally today, and although it's just gone 7pm I'm actually ready for my bed.

Full set of Burston pics can be seen here.

ps: The housing co-op that I have written about previously received some terrible news at the court hearing the other day. Norwich City Council are going to re-possess 3 of the 5 houses. The council have said that they will help to re-house the residents of those houses but it simply does not make sense.

On the other hand, I suspect the council will be selling those houses off pretty sharpish to line the coffers of the council's finance department. Grrrrr.

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