Walking a day in someone else's shoes

Sometimes the value of your own mind is underestimated, sometimes you betray yourself, sometimes others think you have. Sometimes it's just the way it is and there is nothing else intended. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done and sometimes there is.

Lily loves all things laces and buttons, when I dared her to walk in my shoes, she said no, she knew better, she's a smart one and knows she's got lots to learn before that can happen, but she knows I love her and will always guide her the best I can.

Lovely hugs from my baby (not so much a baby, as of this week she's potty trained) which were much needed after a very long week.

She is growing up too fast for my liking, but grows funnier by the day. Todays fun took place in the shower. She decided to wash Barbies hair in the bath, with a whole bottle of Mum's shampoo... Mum found out...mum went mad, Lily called from the bathroom, "Mum come see Barbie" Heather called back through "I don't want to see Barbie, I'm gonna drown Barbie" lol - luckily Daddy Day Care was calm and had taken over the Lily supervision lol

Got an awesome hair cut today and hung out with some awesome friends, exactly what Saturdays are for!

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