
By SpotsOfTime



Lots and lots of layers ...

'I have a dream' read by global figures - so very affecting
Radio interference - that made it difficult/impossible to listen but deciding to keep the interference on and the irritation of the interference was lost in the significance of the moment and of all those people reading.
Thinking of those people who have stood up and been prepared to think about, believe, voice, act, on ideas, politics, human rights ... even from the apparent confines of remote places such as these in times without the ease of the communication of today. 'Tiny' led a band of Grasmere men to the Spanish Civil War and 'encouraged' the Hitler Youth to vacate the Youth Hostel.
And, of some, where it has felt more complex.
Lunch at the cafe - and in my mind's eye seeing snapshots of so much that has passed here.
Ewe Crag Quarry - courting - laminated slate - distillations and laminations of life.
Sound of the weir filling the air with past life.
Past life vertigo.

Grasmere ... 'Unity Entire'.

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