
By Majikcat

Helicopter heroes

What a strange day. Mass, Saltaire then Baildon Moor. Had a nice afternoon in Saltaire and still not sure if I should have put one of the photos on from there. Events took over on a windy moor later though. Sat in the car on the moor, minding our own business having a cuppa, when a car literally flew off the road, somersaulted and landed below us near the golf course. I rang the emergency services-with some difficulty up there, by the time the operative was telling me no one should be moved, they were all out of the car and walking up the hill-we hadn't gone down as lots of others were down there. Minutes later the emergency services arrived. The family involved were miraculously lucky-as were some golfers! The man in the photo is the BBC camera man with Helicopter Heroes. He came to speak to us-but in all honesty we were not the best ones to be saying anything as others had been far more involved!

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