
By CharlotteJ


For HeartFreeks September Challenge

EDIT 12:30 wow, I have just hit the spotlight with my blip yesterday here - WOW, WOW! Thats certainly made yesterday all the more better!!! thank you, thank you. This is my second spotlight EVER!! Over the moon :)

Thank you all for your support yesterday. Chris dropped me off at my sisters as we came back from London (she lives in North London). It was my niece’s birthday and I didn’t want to miss her, he then headed home only to get two miles away and my neighbour’s daughter who has the key came home…! So Chris turned around after checking on the cats, which were sound asleep, to come back to North London to have birthday cake with the family and to then drive us both back home! Poor bloke did nearly four hours of driving yesterday.

Today I am beavering away catching up with blip with last minute work things and then I will be shutting the laptop until 13th Sept…..I am on holiday as of 4pm today!! Whoop whoop, we leave for Cyprus on Wednesday (4am start for a 8am flight!).

I am crazily taking part in HeartFreeks September challenge…I forgot yesterday but HeartFreek was very kind and said I could use my photo for the 12 o’clock blip as I mentioned 12pm!!

Today is ‘In the Dark’…but I have decided seeing as I will be on holiday for a week to go off piest and not do the challenge in order as I want to try and fit my holiday photos in to my journal and complete the challenge as well and looking at the list I should be able to satisfy both by going out of list order!

So today you have my entry for ‘White’ a white rose in my garden under the white rays of the sun! I hope you like it!

Happy Monday everyone


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