The tops

I feel steeped in French rural life. We are cycling just about every day building up to a big ride this week.. Just a short one today - 20kms Mr A had explored some off road tracks previously and he suggested we take one today. I am not an off road fan mainly because I find my bike slipping all over the place if the track is stony and gravelly which it was today. And having broken a few things including my hip i am a bit more cautious these days. However it was beautiful running along a high ridge with stunning views. This is one of them. I think I will feel more confident next time and instead of looking at the ground most of the time will be looking out at the horizon. I am feeling fit but fat. We are eating so well. Tonight Mr A prepared tomato salad all from the garden and with walnut oil that Paulette had given us just yesterday, then sweet corn which I have grown, then home made pizza - huge and followed by peach cobbler (peaches from the market). And a glass of pineau and a glass of local Bergerac wine. Cycling does make you hungry! A long ride tomorrow methinks!

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