Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK


... it is a day of milestones today. Both these ladies have reached milestones: the start of a new school year, but it is so much more.
Abbie has started her secondary school today, the school Bert stood in line for (for a whole day). After a whole summer holiday feeling totally relaxed, the panic set in last night for Abbie. By this morning however, she picked herself up and cycled to school all by herself and has actually enjoyed the whole day.
Pippa also started in a new school! After much consideration and deliberation we decided to take her out of her school (where she felt quite excluded at the end of last school year) and move her to another. She will do her last year of primary education in the Kolibri school. She was more nervous over the summer than Abbie, but by last night totally relaxed and looking forward to start. Pippa enjoyed her day as well.

It was my first day as tutor to the year 7 group in our school and thoroughly enjoyed spending a lot of time today with them.

However, I seem to have come to a blip milestone too: this is my 1000th blip! Not consecutive, but still...
- Thank you to Abbie and Pippa, who so often feature here...
- Thank you to my fellow blippers for stopping by and commenting, some of you I now count as friends (which is fantastic).
- Thank you to Katherine and Max, who were friends first and introduced me to blip and are now fellow blippers!

There is something quite special in capturing life in photos, even if my journal would only ever be reflected on by me...
Thank you blip for giving me that opportunity to reflect!

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