The Giraffe Emporium

By Talia

back to work

Took this on a walk with dobby in the evening :)

Back to work today but only from 1-5.30. Busy at work, but I do enjoy it.

have a cool piece of graffitti I want to photograph so thats for tomorrow :)

I have realised quite a bit about myself recently, and how I really need to start thinking more of myself than abour other people.

I find goodbyes hard, and soon I'll be saying bye to someone who has really made a huge difference in my life (sad I know) even if it has only been a short amount of time. I don't want to say goodbye... I want things to be how they were... about 2 months ago.. but thats not feasible. I hope that we stay close.. but you never know. people change. :)

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