
By champignons

You know how last week renovated the bureau and now it looks really super (unless you are jim, in which case it looks exactly the same, or the nut, in which case it looks 'boy-fantastic', which is the highest form of greatness in the nut world view, whic he changed to 'both boy and girl fantastic' after reprimand)?

And then I got a bean bag and a comfy rug and its the best place to have your morning coffee when the sunlight floods through and the woodwork all glows like honey unless, of course, you arrive to find someone small has already installed themselves and Netflix and your corner is all full of boy and daleks.

But I let him off because he had a little wobble at the school uniform shop and there was a real actual tear because he's not been to nursery all summer let alone big school ... Though that might have been a ruse because he began looking forward to big school immediately after I bought him that there half price obi wan kenobi to cheer him up. It has a working light sabre though, it's pretty awesome.

We decamped to the austins for the evening, as I was very sober, and it needed fixing.

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