Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Me time

Although the peace was shattered a few minutes later and Dylan and Scout started fighting and tumbling downstairs together.

Okay so busy day. Kicked off my studies with the first Webinar, about 15 of us. In answer to the question "when did you last take an exam?" most people replied some time in the noughties or some in the 'nineties ... My answer was 1980 ... Guess who is the oldest student on the block then ...

Good start though. Excellent study skills Webinar.

Then got a crash job thrown at me at work so spent all afternoon and a couple of hours on that tonight.

Plus shopping, cooking, kitchen cleaning and reading up stuff for the charity I currently chair ...

Not much me time then.

Poor old TSM had a cold. Everyone else happy though. And a mini heat wave to end the summer ...

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