An update on Mia
We have one little cat left now. On the 30th of July , a few days into our holiday we got the news that our little cat Mia had to be put to sleep because of possible cancer and complications. However, on our return we went to pick up Oreo that was still at the cattery, just to find little Mia there all by herself. The cattery made a mistake and got the names all wrong. In the end it was Oreo that was so very ill and died. The autopsy found that he had a very serious heart condition, fibrosis of the heart and lungs (very rare in such a young cat). They did tests on Mia ( his sister) also because it is suspected to be genetic, and did found that her heart has some hardening too. It means that she will not live to be very old, but at the moment she is ok. We will monitor it every 3 months. In the meantime she owns this house, with 2 humans at her beck and call!!
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