Coming to get you!

Last week, when I posted a macro shot, martindawe suggested to me I was attempting extreme photography! I think he was right but I am so attracted to to capturing these gorgeous insects in flight, I couldn’t resist another go at it.

This shot is most definitely the hardest I have ever tried. These bees come at you at astonishing speed and however focus is attempted, it is nigh on luck at the end of the day.

It is by no means in focus, but the best I could do, I must have taken a dozen or so shots to get this one.

Thank you for lifting my sunset yesterday into the spotlight. It is currently behind an An Avid Lensman who I sincerely hope does not stop blipping now he has reached 365. Many congratulations to him. If you haven’t seen his journal, you should take a look and encourage him to carry on.

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