The Fog!

This morning I had an appointment at the gym for an obligatory programme session, where they weigh you, see how much body fat you're carrying and then they work out a programme for you. I hate these things, but I had to do it, and am happy with the programme that's been set. Tomorrow I have to go back for a 'taster' session on the Power Plate and TRX Suspension training, which I'm not sure about as it's something to do with big rubber bands!

Anyway, this afternoon I went to Hove with Louis, to meet one of the ladies from the walking group that I met last week, and we did a 4.5 mile walk along the coast to Brighton and then back to Hove. We stopped at the Bistro under the Bandstand, for a quick drink before heading back, and as we sat there the fog started to roll in off the sea.

It was very eerie, and after being very warm and sunny, it went quite cool, but as you can see, people were still sat on the beach, yet you can hardly see the pier. I'm sat at home writing this and the fog is literally blowing into the back garden - it's very strange!

Anyway, I'm going back out now as Alan has seen a Vespa he's interested in at a bike shop near work, so we're going to have look. A Vespa would be perfect in Brighton, so fingers crossed he likes it.

Then tonight, I'm going to to try a French class - the teacher is originally from Paris but lives here now and she teaches small groups, so hopefully this will be ok for me. I'll let you know tomorrow!

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