
By woofcity


Took this photo early today as a back up blip if nothing better was on offer. I guess nothing was because here it is!

We took the puppies to meet sheep for the first time. Storm and Grace weren't interested in the slightest while Emily's tail was quivering in curiosity. A bit of yapping which didn't bother the sheep at all. They've probably seen bigger bunnies!

A visit to the pet shop to buy a bigger harness for Storm, he's now a Small, the XS are still too big for the girls. We used their collars today but I definitely prefer their little harnesses. Seems a bit kinder when we're trying to encourage little Miss Lazylegs Grace to walk a little bit. She was back in The Dog Bag today for the middle stretch of the walk but had enough energy to run to the car when she could see it...

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