End of the road.

Well, with a certain amount of sadness that I'm not dwelling on too much right now, this is where me and Goat go in seperate directions.

I've owned Goat since he was brand new and have had some brilliant times in this van. It's easily the most fun vehicle I've owned, not to mention the most versatile and useful. Everyone who knows Goat knows how potent it is - especially on mountain roads. It's a little van not to be underestimated.

But I've had so much fun with Goat. We developed the Banzi Overtake together that involves making a staggeringly stupid overtake with no plan about how it ends. It always ends well apart from the bollocking I get from MrsRobotChicken.

Problem is that whilst I'm away for 9 months, it's taking it's strain on Goat as it (like any other vehicle) wants to be used. I agonised over selling Goat last year, but this year time is up.

Goat is going (gone) to a friend who hopefully will have as much fun with it in his business as I did but has promised to sell Goat back to me in a few years. This is one vehicle I want back. We went to the Artic Circle (twice), been on over 100 ferries, driven 120k miles, touched the Sahara twice, and went to every country in Europe.

So don't worry Goat, you'll pick up some new scratches, but when I get you back in a few years we'll get you back and sort whatever needs sorting, and figure out a way to get you in North America.

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