
By MerlotsDad


I don't see much of this little feller, he is always wandering around the garden mostly on his own. Then suddenly you pull up a weed & there he is bold as brass !

Actually he doesn't move about, but sometimes you forget he is there......

Stripped & repainted 2 more benches today so only one left to go. I have got the shed "ready" to be painted up tomorrow as the wet weather is on its way by the weekend.

Had a call this am to say that Nicola had broken down on the M23 & that she was waiting for the RAC. I met her at Perry's in Aylesbury where she was towed to & took her home. She said she was driving along when suddenly she lost power but managed to steer onto the hard shoulder. She was on her way to a meeting in Brighton. By the time I had dropped her home a replacement car had been delivered to her house so she could get to her meeting in Manchester tomorrow !

Persuaded Peter to take me around to the bungalow last night in his van to pick up more furniture. There is now 1 easy chair & 1 sideboard to collect & that's it.

Got my P45 today....

Remember this...

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