
By cowgirl

Hey Chick!

Another 'ickle' baby pic today - this is a quail chick. I took my guinea pigs to their holiday accommodation this morning. They're staying with Sav's boss who has a variety of birds ( parakeets, cockatiels, budgies, love birds and so on ) and a couple of guinea pigs. His female guinea pig gave birth just before I arrived but he didn't want us to disturb them so soon. He was most excited about his new quail chicks as he'd never had any before. When he opened the door to their shed I couldn't see them at first, they're so small and the light wasn't great. He very gently picked one up for me to get a better shot of it.

Sorry I'm behind with commenting. It's been a bit busy and I still haven't packed ( it's Tues evening and we leave early tomorrow morning! ) but I'll try to catch up before I go to bed ... I'll try ...

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