Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

White Knuckle Ride

We knew the forecast for today was a bit damp and windy and it didn't disappoint.

Today's photo is taken from the relative shelter gained in the lee of the cabin, while one of the crew performs chumming duty to attract the gulls which will hopefully attract something more exotic to check out what's going on.

Today's highlights were definitely the Great Shearwaters, they came in so close I had to swap the fixed 400m lens for my 70-250mm zoom and even then they were at times too close. With the constant rain and rolling sea it really was more point and hope. Unfortunately I didn't hope enough, because once I examined my photos they were all seriously over exposed - actually pure white - while changing the lens I'd knocked it onto manual exposure - hey ho!!

Another of the day's highlights was the journey back to St Mary's - we'd been warned that going back into the wind would be rougher and it certainly was. Quite a white knuckle ride! I was feeling pretty good that breakfast was still in place, that was until I made the effort to cross the boat to sit beside the stationary Mrs L.

RCB's blipped a shot taken while the 400mm was still on the camera of three Storm Petrels.

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