The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Out and About ..

Mum had been obsessing about things she imagined had happened at the care home (bonkers things, rather than things which could possibly be true) .. I couldn't really make sense of it .. and a few days ago she said she wanted to write them a letter. I encouraged it as I wanted to see what she wrote and thought it would get it out of her system.

Unfortunately she wrote a lot of disjointed rubbish and obsessed about the letter - taking it up to bed every night ..

Finally yesterday I had the brainwave of getting her to write the letter she kept saying she wanted to write to the Queen, about a photo of her, aged 10, dressed as Queen Mary in a parade! I shall blip the photo one of these days ..

I'm not sure why I put all that on today's blip .. except to say, I left her writing to the queen and went to buy a bird table - found none for sale, and went to Sunk Island before lunch where I saw a red kite!! They have only been seen there three times before so that was rather exciting!

In the afternoon I buzzed out to Kiplingcotes and saw the little owl, then went to Rifle Butts Quarry to see if there were any butterflies left .. not many - but lots of interesting grasshoppers!

This (I'm told) is a field grasshopper :)

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