It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Prickly Day

The head was a bit sore yesterday but I decided to go for a mountain bike ride after work. The trails at Clayton Vale are good fun and by the end of the hour I was starting to get the feel of the bike.

Going home on the train was a little less fun as I went really shivery. Oh no! Man flu on the way. A good dinner may sort it out though. Inspired by watching a Levi Roots programme, I made a West Indian hot pot thinggie. Sweet potato, thyme, peppers and spinach in spiced coconut milk. The magic ingredient was scotch bonnet chillies x 2. Eek..... Sock blowing stuff, with a Niagara of sweat pouring down my baldy head. It was yummy, especially washed down by white rhum and ginger beer.

I woke early feeling as though I had been hit by a train. I set my alarm for 8:45am and promptly fell back asleep. Then it was a quick call to work to say I wouldn't be in. My first sickie in ages. I promptly fell asleep yet again. It was a day in bed.

I needed a few bits n bobs to eat but couldn't face leaving the village. Rather, I popped down to the deli for provisions to see me through the day. They had fresh damsons in for 99p so I got a punnet of them. Walking home I passed a bush with the juiciest fattest brambles ever so decided to walk back down after tea to pick them. 546g worth too and only a few nettle stings.

I then had a walk in the woods towards Woodseats. It was beautiful. Quite dark, but with shards of golden sunlight occasionally shining through the trees. I sat at the river for a bit, watching for the sudden appearance of little fish. Then it was home for dinner including a sandwich with damson jam. Just as I finished, a mouse decided to join me on the sofa. I definitely need to rent a cat.

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