
By loulou164

'Let Glasgow Flourish'

I was in the city centre this morning. I saw this emblem on one of the lamp posts while enjoying the lovely morning sunshine. Here's a history of the emblem.....

Here is the bird that never flew

Here is the tree that never grew

Here is the bell that never rang

Here is the fish that never swam.

The City of Glasgow had no single official armorial bearings until the 19 th century. There were at least three official seals in use and a patent was granted by the Lord Lyon in 1866.

The emblems had been used in various forms and can be traced back to the seals of the Bishop of Glasgow. The fish was the first to appear, on the seal of Bishop William Wyschard in 1270, to be joined by the bird in 1271, on the seal of Bishop Robert Wyschard.

On a later seal of the prelate the tree, or at least a branch, is shown along with the fish and bird. The bell first appears in 1321 on the privy seal of the Chapter of Glasgow.

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