An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Au natural...

THIS little flower head looks heavily processed to my eye but bizarrely, it is straight from the camera (brightened slightly as it is very cloudy here). I have zoomed right in as it's tiny so maybe that's why.

Also strange, when I uploaded it Blip said there was no exif data. No idea why.

Anyhoo, all that aside, I have had a productive morning. Alan ate not one but TWO large tins of macaroni cheese this morning and let it be known that it wasn't quite enough and tomorrow he would like THREE tins!

Three 400g tins, that's 1.2kg of macaroni cheese for breakfast!!! Not that I'm complaining other than the fact it smells of baby puke I'm just over the moon he's eating something before he goes off to school.

So, Alan was gone by 8.30. Tesco man arrived at 8.45 and shopping was all away by 9.30. Kitchen tidied, dishwasher emptied, quick 5 mins in the garden to get my blip then back in and some more paperwork tackled.

Have had to rearrange my optician appointment from Saturday and the next suitable one is Friday 20th Sept! I've run out of contact lenses too so I'm wearing my glasses which keep falling off and driving me mad!!!

Quick lunch fasting day before meeting with the Children and Young People with Disabilities Social Worker to discuss Alan's transition from school. Not met her before but she sounded very nice on the phone. It will be interesting to find out what's on offer for Alan if anything once he's left school. Bit of an anxious time coming up I think.

Happy Wednesday Peeps :) xx

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