Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Adam Hills

I went to see Adam Hills last night with Jess, my sister and her boyfriend, it was a great show and we all really enjoyed it :O)
Not quite as good as the late night shows he does with Jason Byrne of course (M and I went to one last year, got home at 2am and immediately bought tickets for the following night!) but still brilliant and really funny.

This is him signing T-Shirts afterwards - its a rubbish photograph I know but I didn't want to use the flash, and also I'd had quite a few cocktails and a Magners prior to this so my hands were even less steady that usual! Jess bought a tee for him to sign, I nicked a poster from outside and asked him very politely if he would "...sign this stolen poster for me?" which he did with much amusement!
Very naughty and terribly bad form, I completely blame my sister for putting the idea into my rather inebriated head...
Sometimes a wee bit of cheekiness pays off though, and it gave him a bit of laugh :D

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