
By robzpix

Bit windy, ladies?

I'm starting to feel the urge to post a blip every morning instead of at the end of every day. That's not a bad thing I guess.

Those 2 ladies up above, not sure whether they're nuns or are just experimenting with themselves as the 'Human Aeroplanes'. I really didn't know what else to take a picture of, honestly!

Today is my second to last day in Portsmouth before I head back to the highly dreaded, Sultanate of Oman. I just hope this school year flings by, and then back to the Summer holidays again! :D

About the weather, there's highs of 22 degrees! YOWZA! *Worships the forecast, followed by a sun dance*. To be honest, I've really started to not give 2 flying hot dogs for the weather. I should really start walking around in plastic bags if it does get to the anticipated 22 degrees, as I am about to start living life in 40 degrees again. Some people ask me how I cope! Either way I'm gonna have to aren't I!

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