
By ZE1Christie

Lerwick Harbour

Ah that's better, lovely warm day with the cloud clearing to show our lovely blue skies with a bit of sunshine again :)
Once again, with the finer dry weather, it means a quiet day at work in the Shetland Museum. I should enjoy it while it lasts as starting next week it's booked up with school bairns coming to see the dinosaurs!
After work, I headed down to Cunningsburgh for a walk around with Sammy dog, nice that I didn't need a jacket lol :)
This is the Sharon-Louise LK 250 in the foreground and the Statsraad Lehmkuhl berthed in Lerwick. I thought a fellow Shetland Blipper might have done something similar but I see he hasn't so thought I'd post this lunchtime Blip :) Oh and I just noticed there is a man climbing on to the fishing boat :)
Taken from the Lerwick Fish Market.

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