Evening sun

Oh dear, thats the holidays all over then. Not only do we have to organise school for both children tomorrow but Will also has Beavers - I don't think I am up to the organisation required!

I read Caitlin's Moran's Moranthology recently. She and her 7 siblings were "home schooled" - essentially left at home to sort themselves out. She spent hours every day in the library, reading every book there. And now she is a famous journalist and writes books! And there was no uniform, lunch boxes or after school clubs to sort out. I think there has got to be something in it....

To celebrate the end of the holidays, Daisy and I are watching last nights Bake off together, we have now banned Jay and Will because we like to watch it in silence or baking related chat only. Those boys crap on about all types of rubbish that just make us both very cross.

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