
By CafeMistblick

Sugar free

After yesterdays invasion by 29kg of sugar, the bees seemed to be ignoring the convenience food and continuing to enjoy flying around, not surprsing with wonderful sunshine and temperature in the high 20's.

MrB reassured me it was quite normal, the bees being fed the "Apifonda" paste have to get water to disolve the paste before storing it. The "weaker" hive with "Apiinivert" just need to suck at the holes to get the ready to eat version. Apart from water, they are still collecting pollen as well as any natural food they can find.

The hives are exactly the same format (called Herold) but on the Blip the top hive looks somewhat different. On originally setting them up, MrB said I should have a slight tilt towards the exit in case any rain/moisture got in, ensuring it could run out. After we placed the liquid feed on the offspring hive, MrB noticed it running out the exit (the vacuum which comes from inverting the bucket takes a little while to form). So we had to put some wood under the hive to make it level and hence the strange appearance.

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