Just looking..

By ccleeve


D has been aware of his shadow for sometime now. This is the wall on the way to work/nursery where he first pointed out his shadow to me. The angle of the sun is just right at the moment (as it was earlier this summer when he first showed me) - here he is showing me monkey's shadow.

Monkey was a first birthday present and he loves him! He doesn't spend the day at nursery with D because he'd get too dirty to then sleep in D's bed. So instead he comes into the office with me and sits in my bag - I can't leave him in the buggy in case there's a fire - very unlikely but I couldn't risk losing monkey!!

And no I don't usually give my toddler a lollipop at 8am (he's only actually had one before ever - and didn't like it) - the man in the shop I bought milk in gave it too him, luckily D can't open them, and was happy enough just to wave it around!

We are enjoying really warm weather at the moment and it's going to continue tomorrow - bliss!

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