Falkland Palace

Another hot and sunny day! Perfect holiday weather, we are being very lucky! Spent yesterday evening with dear and lovely friends. We wandered round their fascinating house and garden and saw some wonderful plants and wondered whether we could possibly grow them at home, in the wind and the salt laden air!

Today another amazing house and garden, on a slightly grander scale, at Falkland Palace. Well worth a visit, if you are in the area and have a free day! Lots to see, including a wonderful orchard. The trees were laden with apples, plums and pears. We picked up a few windfalls, the ones not covered with wasps, stewed them and had them for pudding tonight, to augment the remains of the rhubarb! A bit tart, but delicious with a spoonful or so of cream!

We lunched at the Pillars of Hercules. Organic cafe, shop, garden, very dog friendly, a lovely experience all round. Walked back to Falkland through via a woodland path, with shafts of sunlight filtering through the trees. Another lovely day . . . ending with a game of scrabble at which I was thrashed - utterly and comprehensively!

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