Professional at work!!

The bloke with the camera in the blip….certainly not me!

B’s car was in for service today in Chelmsford, so we had 9 hrs to kill.
We headed for Coggeshall to see Paycocke’s House and Garden, but were a bit early and stopped at the English Wine Barn at West Street Vineyard for coffee.

It was beautiful and cool inside, but a steamy 29 degrees outside. Whilst we were there this photographer started a shoot for a ski wear company and this poor young man was just about boiled in his heavy jacked, not helped by the bulldog clips at the back to get a neater fit.

I took the blip through the window, being careful not to interfere with what was going on outside!!

The rest of the day was productively busy after a return to the Vineyard for lunch!!

I hope it is going to be cooler tonight, still 25 degrees indoors at 10.30pm……I could do with a decent nights sleep!!

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