Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Post-Apocalyptic Vee-Dub

Passed this "modified" VW Rabbit - couldn't see if it was Mad Max himself behind the wheel. Whoever it was, I wonder if he knows something the rest of us don't. Perhaps our administration's imminent effort to light more tinder in the Muddle East will finally prove Nostradamus right and we'll all need vehicles like this.

On a cheerier note: heard on the radio that the fish & game department are trying to recruit volunteers for a three day project to count black-footed ferrets, around Seligman, in N Arizona. Apparently these poor creatures hover near extinction and need to be bothered often to be sure they're still around. The last time they did this (don't know when), they had volunteers from as far afield as France and England.
Material like this makes me think even I could be a stand-up comic.

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