
By CreativeCarol

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Busy, Busy, Busy Day. I was gone all day in a workshop and then in rehearsal until 7 this evening. As I was driving home, I was busy thinking of the September Heartfreek Challenge and wondering what I was going to be able to blip, when I saw the most beautiful rainbow. I tried to take a picture of it but my phone died! Then as I got home with thunder crashing and lighting all around me , I knew my blip was going to be an indoor one.
This is my contribution for the word "Mirror" in the Heartfreek Challenge. This mirror hangs in our foyer of our home. If you notice in the mirror, you will see a reflection of a P. Buckley Moss print of a Pelican. So, I got a picture of a bird too.:)
Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week.

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