Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Barista with Panache!

"She looks like a cross between a young Gina Lollobrigida and a young Elizabeth Taylor", said Mr. Contraptioneer as he looked over my shoulder during my photo editing free-for-all this evening.

I should have asked her name, but I so enjoyed our chat anyway. She's a wonderful young lady who has her priorities in order and a bright future ahead of her! She also brightened the end of my day (and the latte kept me alert for an evening training, preparing for the upcoming AWANA kickoff!)

On another note, the thought topic for the day was 'the peaceful habit of honesty'. I thought often on the subject as I went through my day, how much peace comes from making a habit of practicing honesty in every little thing possible.

The tangled mess that comes from all the little foxes of dishonesty is suffocating. I walked peacefully through my day as I enjoyed all the fruit of the honest relationships I share with my co-workers, my family, friends and the people I serve. I was aware of the little opportunities to continue to build on that great foundation, and I considered what a difference that one detail makes in every facet of a rich and rewarding life. All around us, we are able to see the pain in the eyes of those who have built on a thousand little self deceptions, and how hard it is for them to actually look you in the eye with confidence. How I would love to just reach out and unlock the door and set the captives free. Alas, none of us is free completely and utterly on our own strength. I am grateful to have help!


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