This is what is left of our first home - we lived here for 17 years and both children were brought up to teenagers here. It is red zoned and was prepared to see an empty section when I went to look today, but sadly just a house with broken windows, and a door flapping in the breeze.
The one thing Alex would be proud about is his drive - it stood up to earthquakes well and couldn't see a crack in it. You don't remember it being so small - probably wasn't then.
Felt like shedding a few tears when I came out from having a look inside.
Also did an explore round parts of the city - went to the new Cathedral and did feel sad when I came out of there - O.K. it is a church - very modern, but not one where I am afraid I would want to worship. Perhaps that is wrong of me but would dearly love to see the original restored. It symbolised Christchurch and this doesn't.
Glad I don't live here anymore - I admire those who do but it does nothing for me now.

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